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Five Things to Know if You Are Renting a Lodge With a Large Group

by Joshua Armstrong

Are you planning a getaway with a big group of friends or family? Renting a lodge can be the perfect option for a large group, but there are a few things you should know before you book. From selecting the right amenities to considering guest limitations, these tips will help ensure that your group has a fantastic vacation together.

Research the Lodge's Amenities and Availability of Resources

Before booking the lodge, it is important to research the amenities offered by the lodge and its availability of resources. Check if there is enough space to accommodate everyone in your group. Make sure there is ample parking space and that there are enough bathrooms, beds, and space to socialize, as well as what is provided, such as towels, linens, and toiletries.

Understand Guest Restrictions and Rules

Some lodges may have strict rules regarding the number of guests permitted to stay, quiet hours, smoking policy, pets allowed, and any other limitations on activities allowed. It’s crucial to ensure that these rules align with your group’s needs to ensure a good experience for everyone involved.

Plan Meals and/or Catering Options

Another key aspect to consider when renting a lodge with a large group is your food options. You should plan your meals carefully - this includes who will cook, where you will shop, and what everyone in your group likes to eat. You may want to consider hiring a chef or catering service to take the stress off of food preparation. If you opt to cook, do some meal prepping and grocery shopping before you start your trip to save time and ensure adequate supplies.

Decide on Activity Options

It is easy to get lost in the fun of being with a large group in beautiful surroundings, but having options for activities can be important to ensure everyone has an enjoyable time. Discuss with your group beforehand to try and find a mix of activities that work for everyone. For example, you can plan for hikes, tubing, horseback riding, a beach day, or a day out exploring the surrounding area. Having games and movies to watch is also a good idea to allow for some downtime and relaxation.

Plan for Emergencies

Consider having extra first aid supplies, ensuring communication and battery charging devices are at the ready, and knowing any emergency contacts who may be able to help you during the trip. Make sure all in the group are on the same page about making safe, responsible decisions throughout the entirety of their stay.

Renting a lodge for a large group can be the perfect way to vacation together while providing everyone with all of the necessary space and shared experiences. However, it is important to carefully consider factors such as amenities, guest restrictions, food options, activity planning, and emergency preparation before booking the lodge. Use this post as a guide to help ensure your group has an incredible time together.

Keep these tips in mind when looking for lodge rentals near your vacation spot.
